Vile Electrodes are great

So I've resolved for 2014 (and forevermore) that I'm not going to feel guilty about acknowledging my abilities and sharing my (our) successes. It took my mum dying and a friend committing suicide to give me the determination to start making music. Celebrating, and striving to make the most of achievements in which I wish they could share is the least I should do.

In 2013, with Vile Electrodes, I/we have accomplished more than I could ever have dreamed. We toured with our favourite band (our utter heroes!) before we'd even released our debut album, as well as sharing stages and backstage banter with some of the most admired people within electronic music.

Having released our debut album, I've lost count of the number of people who have said it is their top album of 2013. Despite my largely embarrassed low-key “buy our music if you like, I’m really sorry to bother you” approach to marketing, the album has sold out and we have pre-orders from people waiting for the repeat run we never imagined we’d need to do.

We're a tiny, self-financed band. All these things we've accomplished are amazing, and I should be shouting about them from the rooftops. Instead, I have allowed those little voices in my head to convince me that being proud of what I have to offer is wrong.
So I'm going to come right out and say it: Vile Electrodes are fucking great. (Including me).


  1. You are right: You are fucking great! And Martin is too!
    I am one of the people saying it is my top album of 2013. For many years, new synthpop stuff was boring. Everybody wanted to be a new Depeche Mode. When I found Vile Electrodes 2013, I have realized, that synthpop can be modern and retro at the same time. Thanks a lot for this insight.

    You inspired me to reactivate my own studio to produce some new stuff in 2014

    1. I'm honoured. Even if we never sold another CD, the idea that we've inspired other people to want to create is a legacy I'm over the moon with. Thank you.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. well,Jane its in my top 5 albums from 2013.....and you should be proud.....the both of you


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