Vile comtemplation

I'm feeling very contemplative right now. Today marks the anniversary of the passing of my mum, and this event is pretty much the reason Vile Electrodes exist (I blogged about that fact here, back when I used to blog!).

I think the fact that Martin and I are on the verge of very positive things this year, both personally and creatively, is why I'm feeling the loss very keenly today; mum was a posthumous catalyst for such major changes in my life and it saddens me that she doesn't get to share how happy I've ultimately become as a result of something so dreadfully negative.

But then, of course, I also find myself pondering about how I'd trade all my new found happiness and personal growth for 5 more minutes with her. A trade-off which, of course, she wouldn't want in a million years. But I'd do it anyway, because I'm stubborn. Like my dad.

But all the pondering in the world cannot make the impossible happen. All I can do is hope that she'd be proud of the life I'm living and the music I'm creating. Not sure what she'd think about the outfits though...

I haven't really written a song which adequately represents how I feel about losing her (well, I think that would be impossible), but I guess My Sanctuary is appropriately titled. I like to think she'd like it.

R.I.P. mum.

  My Sanctuary by Vile Electrodes
