Pesky Epiphanies

So I’d found my voice, but there was still no way I was ever going to get up on stage and use it! People might boo, or throw things at me. It is better to never try, than to try and fail. Yesiree.

Then my mum died, aged 59 and three quarters, after battling the big C. Suddenly the worst thing that could happen to me already had. Rotten food and large stone projectiles were nothing compared to this.

There was no more time to lose! Martin and I started writing songs seriously. We rehearsed. We formed various bands and quit them all angrily. Then we happened to take a stroll down a path called Vile Electrodes. We're still on that path today meeting friends along the way. It's a nice path and I'm enjoying the amble.

Sigh. My mum would have loved to see me on stage. She would have embarrassed me with her excitement. But I left it too late.

Don't be like me, folk. Don't wait until that cataclysmic epiphany forces your hand. I urge you all to do what you love with/for the people you love. DO IT NOW!! One day you won't be able to anymore.

That’s right, people. You heard it here first: LIFE. IS. TOO. SHORT!


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